More homeowners who want a beautiful, lush lawn are increasingly fond of Bermuda grass. This grass variety offers a green, natural aesthetic to boost your home’s curb appeal. Thanks to its robust deep-rooted system, it is a crowd-favorite choice for its impressive drought tolerance.It also multiplies, taking over parts of your landscape without much effort.

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Kenneth Wilson
July 26, 2022

Heads up, green thumbs! You might have heard by now how overseeding allows you to achieve a denser, lusher, and healthier turfgrass. But, determining the best grass seed to be overseeded with will depend on the existing grass type on your lawn, the region’s climate, and the soil type you have.Experts recommend overseeding your lawn

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Kenneth Wilson
July 26, 2022

You don’t need to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle to determine the best fertilizer for Bermudagrass. If you’re currently browsing through what seems like a never-ending list, we’ve rounded up the best fertilizers for Bermuda grass on the market today. (Related: Best Fertilizers for Bermuda Grass: A Buyers Guide 2022) Milorganite 0636 Nitrogen Fertilizer2,344 RatingsThis

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Kenneth Wilson
July 26, 2022

It is easy to be a big fan of St. Augustine grass lawns due to their attractiveness and high resistance. But to achieve this, you must follow proper maintenance to achieve a picture-perfect lawn. This maintenance involves picking the correct fertilizer and following its right application frequency and schedule.If you want a healthy, green lawn–

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Kenneth Wilson
July 25, 2022

Renowned for its high drought and heat tolerance, Bahiagrass is popular in southeastern lawns. This region is considered the most ideal for Bahiagrass varieties, giving homeowners a durable, low-maintenance turfgrass.In particular, the Argentine Bahiagrass variety is ideal for Southern Coastal Plain and Gulf Coast lawns. It has a more delicate texture and darker color than

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Kenneth Wilson
July 23, 2022