Mudjacking To Level Your Concrete: We Break Down The Costs

Written By Kenneth Wilson  |  0 Comments

When mudjacking is done correctly, the effects provide a long-term solution to uneven pavement. Leveling the concrete is a fast way to fix sinking or cracked pavement. This can be helpful if you have a driveway or sidewalk that is cracked or experiencing sinking.

Mudjacking will level the pavement to prevent trip hazards and uneven surfaces. The cost of mudjacking is the lowest out of all the methods of repairing uneven or sinking concrete.

average per soft
$3 to $6
total cost
$564 to $1,441
depends on size/Location
$300 to $2,200

The long term-effects and low cost of mudjacking make it an ideal method for leveling uneven concrete. Avoid injuries and accidents by fixing any pavement slabs that are not level in your driveway or sidewalks. By leveling your pavement, you lower your liability risk and make sure anyone crossing your property can do so safely.

This guide will help you by breaking down the costs of mudjacking to level your concrete. Understanding the cost breakdown for mudjacking will help you find a concrete contractor who can work with your budget.

Average Cost of Mudjacking

Mudjacking is the most cost-effective way to level uneven concrete. According to recent studies done by Home Advisor, the average cost of mudjacking ranges from $564 to $1,441, according to recent studies done by Home Advisor.

Many concrete contractors will price projects based on the square footage. When charging by square footage, prices can range from $3 to $6 per square foot. Larger concrete slabs will be more expensive to level but still significantly cheaper than other methods on concrete leveling.

Concrete contractors will either price your concrete leveling based on the area or based on square footage. The estimates provided to you by the contractor typically cover all the needed supplies and labor.


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Other methods, like polyjacking, can cost up to $25 per square foot! Mudjacking uses a mixture of cement, dirt, and water to raise concrete slabs to eliminate uneven or cracked sidewalks and driveways. It can also be used to fix pools, streets, garages, basements, or any other cement area. The costs of mudjacking may be more expensive in regions with higher living costs.

The way you are charged will all boil down to which contractor you choose to level your concrete. Here is a breakdown of how mudjacking costs are typically billed:

Per Square Foot

When charging using square footage, mudjacking costs are between $3 to $6 per square foot. Contractors will evaluate the property to measure the square footage of the pavement before providing a price quote.

Per Area

Some contractors will price projects based on the area being fixed. For example, they could charge an overall sum for leveling a driveway, sidewalk, patio, pool, or another pavement area. These types of price quotes can be done over the phone.

These costs are all based on statistics calculated by Home Advisor. Keep in mind that these estimates might be on the higher end in regions with higher living costs. Although larger areas will be priced higher than smaller areas, the cost of mudjacking is the lowest out of all the methods of leveling pavement.

With smaller spaces, you could use mudjacking to level the ground for as little as $300!

Costs of Mudjacking in Different Areas

As mentioned above, some concrete contractors prefer to charge a client based on the type of area they want lifted. Some sections, like driveways and garage floors, can cost more because they can take more concrete slurry to complete the lifting job.

Read on to find out about some of the different areas you can mudjack to level the pavement.

Cost to Mudjack Patio

If you have an uneven or lopsided patio, it could be due to the patio’s concrete foundation sinking on one end. Walking around the outside of the patio, any damage that has led to one end sinking or settling might be visibly obvious. Before wanting to move forward with repairs, it’s helpful to know the costs to mudjack a patio.

According to Home Guide, in 2021, the average cost to mudjack a patio was between $450 and $900. The cost to mudjack a patio depends on the size of the patio and the location. If the patio is in a hard to access location, this could raise the overall cost of mudjacking.

However, it’s important to remember that mudjacking is the most affordable way to repair and level uneven concrete slabs. Using mudjacking to level out your patio is an effective way to quickly fix a lopsided patio. After mudjacking repairs are complete, the patio should be available for use after a 48-hour curing period.

When a patio has been mudjacked correctly, a mudjacked patio has the potential to last between eight and ten years. Patios in more stable locations can last even longer. Mudjacking a patio is an excellent and affordable way to repair an aging patio that is becoming uneven.

Cost to Mudjack Sidewalk

The cost to mudjack your sidewalk significantly depends on the length and size of the sidewalk you are needing repaired. On average, the cost to mudjack a 30-foot-long section of sidewalk ranges from $300 to $800.

For smaller segments, you can complete the job for $50 per section. You can expect these prices to increase if the sidewalk is next to a driveway, patio, tree, or bush. These areas can be difficult to access and require more time for the mudjacking.

Uneven sidewalks caused by settling or root damage can be a safety hazard. Lower your liability risks by mudjacking the sidewalk on your property to level out the concrete slabs.

As a property owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that anyone crossing your sidewalk is not at risk of preventable injuries. Eliminate tripping and falling hazards by smoothing out any inconsistencies in the pavement of your sidewalk. If the structural problem causing the sidewalk damage is properly fixed with mudjacking, then the mudjacked sidewalk can last for up to twenty extra years.

Mudjacking is the cheapest way to repair sidewalks that are uneven and contain tripping hazards. Cracked sidewalks can also be fixed if they are caused due to sinking or settling of the ground beneath the sidewalk.

Cost to Mudjack Driveway

There are several different ways to go about mudjacking a driveway. Some driveways only need to be lifted in one section, while other driveways need a lift on the entire slab of pavement. Mudjacking a small section of a driveway costs between $600 and $2,100 on average. Leveling an entire driveway ranges from $1,400 to $2,700. These costs are all based on surveys completed by Home Guide.

Although these costs are higher than mudjacking other areas of a property, mudjacking is the most affordable way to level a driveway.

Uneven or cracked driveways can be a safety hazard and a hassle, especially in places with icy weather. When the ground beneath a driveway shifts and settles, this can lead to the sinking of the concrete slabs that form the driveway. If you have a driveway near downspouts on your house, the pouring water on rainy days can lead to extra sinkage in that area.

Mudjacking can raise concrete slabs to create an even and easy to navigate driveway. It’s important to remember that the cost of mudjacking can increase for driveways that are not easily accessible. This can increase the time it takes to complete the project. Nearby trees and bushes can also delay the process of mudjacking.

However, mudjacking driveways is typically a straightforward task if there are no massive roots in the way. A mudjacked driveway can usually last up to ten years, depending on the condition of the ground beneath the driveway. With a stable foundation, a mudjacked driveway can stay level for over fifteen years!

Cost to Mudjack Garage Floor

When mudjacking a garage floor, there is a large range of prices depending on whether you want to level a section of a garage floor or the entire area. On average, the cost of mudjacking a section of a garage floor ranges from $300 to $900.

Mudjacking the entire floor of a two-car garage costs between $1,100 and $2,200. The cost of mudjacking is significantly less than repouring concrete for a garage floor.

If your garage floor is cracked or sinking, it’s essential to have a concrete contractor investigate to understand the cause of this issue. Sometimes a garage floor sinking may require repairs to the structural foundation rather than mudjacking.

Mudjacking can be an excellent way to fix a garage that is uneven due to the concrete slab settling or sinking on one side. Large cracks in a garage floor can also sometimes be repaired with mudjacking.

Cost to Mudjack Basement Floor

The cost of mudjacking a basement floor it the most expensive out of all the areas. Leveling an 800-square-foot basement floor with mudjacking costs an average of $2,400 to $4,800.

The cost can increase significantly for larger basements. If only a section of the basement needs to be lifted, the price can be lower. Even with the high costs, mudjacking a basement floor is the cheapest method to level the concrete.

Mudjacking is the best approach if your basement floor is sinking. A sinking floor can lead to exposing the insulation and nails between the bottom of the wall and the floor. Leveling the concrete with mudjacking is an effective way of evening out the basement floor. Be sure to have a thorough inspection done by your contractor before mudjacking to prevent structural damage to your house.

Choosing a Concrete Contractor

Choosing a concrete contractor in your area can be done by browsing the internet or seeking personal recommendations. Search Google to find concrete contractors near you. Ask friends and family if they have any contractors they highly recommend. These are the best ways to find concrete contractors.

However, when you have a handful of options to choose from, choosing a concrete contractor can feel daunting. There are a few things you should consider before making your choice. Before selecting a concrete contractor, you complete do these three things:

Compare Price Quotes

Call around to your local concrete contractors to gather price quotes. Some contractors may want to come and examine the property before giving you an estimate — this is a good sign!

More experienced contractors tend to do in-person assessments to provide an accurate estimate. Once you have a collection of price quotes, compare them to find the contractor that fits best within your budget.

Investigate Reviews

Client reviews are typically a straightforward method of finding out whether clients are satisfied with the services a contractor provides. Both satisfied and unsatisfied clients leave online reviews, so these are a great way to see what kind of feedback the company receives.

You want to find a contractor with a long history of good reviews. The more experience a contractor has, the better! Websites like Google and Yelp are great places to start when seeking client reviews.

Confirm the Contractor is Insured

Because mudjacking mistakes can be costly, you want to be sure you are working with an insured contractor. Most contractors will have proof of insurance they can show you. If a concrete contractor is refusing to show you their insurance, consider that a red flag!

Hiring an insured contractor can save you thousands of dollars if anything goes wrong. When checking the contractor’s insurance, verify the expiration dates have not passed.

Once you have considered these three factors, you can decide which concrete contractor you want to use mudjacking to level your pavement. Completing these three things will give you the information required to choose a contractor to work with successfully. Proper research will help you find a concrete contractor that you can trust with the job.

Neglecting to complete these tasks before choosing a contractor could be disastrous. A faulty mudjacking job can be tough to fix — and expensive. Selecting a high-quality and experienced contractor to do the job will guarantee your pavement is leveled correctly. A mudjacking job done correctly will be long-lasting and effective.

Process of Mudjacking

Mudjacking takes place in three steps. A mudjacking job usually takes one to four hours, and the finished product can take up to 72 hours to finish curing.

The process of mudjacking includes drilling holes in pavement then pumping a concrete slurry into them to fill spaces caused by erosion, sinking, and settling. The slurry is typically composed of sand, cement, dirt, and water. Here are the details of the three steps of mudjacking:

step 1

Drill Holes

The concrete contractor must first drill holes across the concrete slab that is being leveled. The holes must be spaced appropriately to level the area correctly. These drilled holes will be used to pump concrete slurry into the ground beneath the slab.

step 2

Pump Concrete Slurry

A hose is used to pump the concrete slurry through the holes and into the ground. The slurry is an all-natural substance used to fill any spaces formed from erosion, settling, or sinking of the earth beneath the concrete slab.

step 3

Fill Holes

Once the concrete has been leveled, the contractor will fill the holes that had been drilled with concrete. The mudjacking job must be left to dry and cure for up to 72 hours, depending on the weather.

Benefits of Mudjacking

Mudjacking has several benefits that make it an appealing method of leveling pavement. When considering using mudjacking to repair uneven concrete, consider all the benefits of this method.


The most affordable way to repair uneven or cracked pavement is mudjacking. With mudjacking, you will pay a third of the cost of replacing a concrete slab and half the price of using polyjacking to level the concrete.

Provides Long-term Solution

Using mudjacking to level concrete can have results that last from eight to ten years. This affordable method provides a long-term solution to uneven or cracked pavement. Taking a day or two to fix these problems with mudjacking can lower future liability risks for up to a decade!

Environmentally Friendly

The mixture pumped into the ground during the mudjacking process is entirely environmentally friendly. Composed of completely natural ingredients, this method is not as toxic as polyjacking concrete leveling.

Drawbacks of Mudjacking

As with any other significant adjustment you make to structures on your property, there is always a chance that mudjacking could have a negative impact or not take well. Some damages cannot be fixed with mudjacking, or some areas do not respond well to the mudjacking. Even if the chances of these outcomes are slim, it’s essential to be aware of them.

Does not Work with Crumbled Pavement

Mudjacking doesn’t work to repair crumbled or crushed pavement. When dealing with pavement that has been crushed, you will probably need to replace the entire slab.

Unfortunately, mudjacking only could raise pavement, not mend it. Mudjacking could even potentially make crumbled pavement more of a safety hazard by raising it above ground.

Possibly Cause Soil Compression

Although the chances are low, there is a possibility that mudjacking on your property could cause soil compression. This may lead to further sinking of the pavement.

This doesn’t happen frequently, but the concrete slurry can be dense and cause more sinking on some types of land. This also happens naturally after a decade to most mudjacked areas.

Possibly Wash out with Severe Weather

The likelihood of this happening is slim, but you should always consider the possibility that the mudjacking slurry could wash out with severe weather. Properly cured mudjacking jobs are less likely to have this happen, but the possibility remains.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can mudjacking be done in the rain?

Yes, mudjacking can be done in the rain. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that heavy rains could dilute the concrete slurry mixture. This can weaken the overall solidity of the concrete leveling job. If possible, avoid mudjacking in the rain unless it’s a very light drizzle. A small amount of rain will not affect the mudjacking process.

Can mudjacking be done in the winter?

Mudjacking should not be done in the winter. Even though you technically can do it in cold weather, freezing temperatures cause the water in the ground to expand and freeze. When this thaws in the springs, this can cause further sinking and overall damage to the concrete.

Will the filled holes blend in with the original pavement?

No, it is not likely that the filled holes will blend in with the original pavement. If the original pavement is new, there is a chance of there being a color match. If your pavement is faded at all, the new pavement used to fill the holes will probably be darker in color. However, over time the new pavement will fade and blend in with the original.

Final Thoughts

Mudjacking is the most affordable method for leveling pavement. Repairing uneven pavement slabs with mudjacking provides a long-term solution for a third of the cost of replacing the pavement. The cost of mudjacking can vary based on how large an area you need to be leveled, but overall, the price will be reasonable compared to other pavement leveling methods.

If you aren’t sure whether you need mudjacking for your pavement, call a concrete contractor near you for a price quote. Mudjacking can be helpful in a variety of situations. If you have any uneven pavement in your home or on your property, that can increase your liability risks. Leveling the pavement can make your property as safe as possible.

Hopefully, this cost breakdown guide provided you the tips you need to move forward with finding a concrete contractor for mudjacking. Understanding the costs of mudjacking can help you choose a contractor within your budget.

About the Author

I can build it, and I can help you get the patio enclosure you want! I got my start in the Florida patio industry back in the 70s as a young general laborer looking for something to make a few bucks. At the time I never thought it would end up as my career. Over the years I grew beyond the laborer position, becoming a foreman, superintendent, and then into executive management for some of the largest patio contractors, and material vendors. Now into retirement and slightly bored, I offer consulting services to new and existing contractors, and publish this website to help the people who love their patio's and screen enclosures the most - YOU!

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