Glass pool fencing is a type of pool fencing that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It's beautiful, unobtrusive, and it does an incredible job of keeping kids and pets from getting into the pool area unsupervised.
In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know before you get glass fence installation done on your home!
Best Type of Glass
When you're looking into getting glass pool fencing, it's important to look for the best type of glass. Safety tempered and wired glass are generally better than standard plate or annealed varieties. Standard plate is pretty sturdy, but it can develop cracks over time as a result of temperature changes and other environmental factors. Annealed glasses aren't really designed for use in swimming pools.
tempered glass is better than wired glass in some ways because it's more flexible and shock-resistant. But it also has the disadvantage of being about 30% less transparent than wired glass, making it a bit harder to see through from one side or the other. However, wired glass is better for visibility because you can get a clearer view of what's going on in your backyard when you're standing outside looking through it.
If you have any questions about glass pool fencing, contact a local installation company. They can help you figure out what kind of glass is best for your situation.
Expected Cost
The cost of glass pool fencing varies quite a bit depending on your location.

But you can expect to pay between $50 and $75 per linear foot or about ten times the price of aluminum pool fencing. (Related: How Much Does It Cost To Install A Fence?) It's important that before getting any kind of home improvement done, you know exactly how much it's going to cost!
There are a lot of things to know before getting glass pool fencing for your home. Take the time to do some research and figure out exactly what kind of fence you want, as well as how much it's going to cost. Don't hesitate to reach out to a contractor to find out how much glass fence installation will cost for your home.
Prior Fence Holes that May Need to Be Filled
Glass pool fencing is a great choice for any homeowner who wants to improve their backyard, but it's important that you take the time to fill in all of your old fence holes before getting glass installed.
The reason why this step is so important has everything to do with safety and liability issues. If someone trips on an exposed part of an old hole, you'll be held liable for the incident. By filling in all of your old fence holes, you can make sure that no one stumbles on these hazards when they're out enjoying their time in the backyard.
If there are any areas where a previous pool owner attached wire fencing to concrete, it's also important to have them filled in or replaced. These areas are a hazard that could harm children and pets who try to play in the yard without supervision!
Safety Barrier Guidelines
Glass pool fencing is a great way to keep children and pets out of your backyard, but it's also important that you follow safety barrier guidelines. These rules help prevent accidents from happening in the first place!
There are many ways in which these glass fences fail to meet basic standards for safe barriers around pools. For example, when testing them for stability, a technician should be able to pull them down with one hand. A good fence will have at least six inches of space between the bottom and the ground as well.
Whatever material you choose for your pool fencing, it's important that you follow all safety guidelines set out by local authorities on swimming pools. These rules are meant to prevent accidents from happening in the first place. If you have any questions about building a pool fence for your backyard, contact a local contractor. They can help you figure out what kind of fencing is best for your situation and how to install it properly so that it meets local safety barrier guidelines!
Manufacturer Differences
It's important to keep in mind that different glass pool fencing manufacturers have different warranties. Glass is a very heavy material, and it can weaken over time once it's been installed. This means that cheaper fences may not be able to hold up against the elements as well as others might.
If you're going for a high-end fence with a warranty, make sure that you're not spending more than you need to on installation. Sometimes the price of glass pool fencing has less to do with quality and more to do with things like sales tax!
For example, if you live in a state where there isn't any sales tax on fencing materials and installation costs, it may be more beneficial to go with an expensive fence than one that's less expensive but taxed. If you're not sure how this works in your area, contact local contractors for advice.
Common Homeowner Complaints
Glass pool fencing is a great way to keep your family safe, but it's important that you learn about the common complaints homeowners have with this material before making a purchase.
One of the biggest complaints has to do with privacy issues. Even though glass fencing can be frosted or come in other colors besides clear, many people don't like how easy it is for anyone to see into the backyard. When you choose a glass pool fence, make sure that you consider what kind of privacy level your family is looking for before making a purchase. If you're not careful with this decision, everyone in the home may become upset over how much they can be seen from beyond the yard!
Another common complaint has to do with the ease of cleaning. Glass pool fencing is easier than metal and vinyl options, but it can still be difficult to clean in some cases. Make sure that you hire a contractor who specializes in glass pool fence installation before making your purchase!
Other complaints include: dark colors show stains more easily, limited color choices for stained glass pool fencing, and glass pool fencing is less aesthetically pleasing than other materials.

As you can see, there are many things to know before getting glass pool fencing for your home. Take the time to do some research and figure out exactly what kind of fence you want, as well as how much it's going to cost.
Don't hesitate to reach out to a contractor if you have any questions.